Take Part in an “Eight-Week Practice of Gratitude”
Seldom do we have the chance to actually “Make a Difference” — a positive difference — in the lives of Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
We ask you, if you are a Head and Neck Cancer patient, to participate in a “study” that has the potential to lower depression, help with pain management, and make treatments more effective for HNC patients. It will only take a few minutes to do the questionnaires. And then you may possibly be asked to keep a “gratitude” journal for eight weeks. Journals will be provide free of charge to participants. And all information is completely confidential.
If interested email Blair.franks@HNCSupport.org with your name, email and phone number (so Donna Hoffman can contact you for a brief interviews).
Donna Hoffman, a Ph.D. researcher who is examining the effects of an eight-week practice of gratitude (by writing the things we are most grateful for in a beautiful journal) on the quality of life and depressive feelings in head and neck cancer survivors. Journals will be provided.
Previous research studies have shown that the practice of gratitude can improve psychological and physical well-being and also decrease feelings of depression. There are no existing studies on the effects of a practice of gratitude in the head and neck cancer population.
Please consider helping your fellow HNC patients, and yourself. It’s easy, rewarding, and meaningful.
Thank You