Join us for the 12th Anniversary of the HNC Support Group!
This August 5th, please join us at the monthly HNC Support Group Meeting to celebrate 12 years. RSVP using the links below and enjoy a lunch following the support group meeting.
Meeting Location:
1500 San Pablo St,
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Cardinal Conference Room on the first floor of Keck Hospital.
Click for map & directions
All are welcome!
On the first Saturday morning of every month, HNC patients and survivors gather, chat, share personal stories/experiences and gather helpful information from others. They are of different ages, gender and race, and accompanied by family, caregivers, and/or friends. But they all have one thing in common – they or a family member have been diagnosed with Head & Neck Cancer (HNC). They are here to participate in the Head & Neck Patient Support Group at USC, to encourage and to be encouraged.
Additionally, many individuals from diverse medical and healing disciplines have taken time from their hectic schedules to join in. Doctor, Nurse, Speech Therapist, Dietitian, Journalist, Medical Office Specialist, Yoga Therapist, Research Scientist, Art Therapist, Medical Supply Vendor, Pharmacist, and Professor are just some of the “titles” that have joined our meetings as active participants.