Take this survey to participate in the study Investigating the impact of head and neck cancer on diagnosis and treatment upon survivors’ sexuality and relationships
More about the study
What is the purpose of the study?
Thank you for your interest in this survey. Our research is aiming to explore how Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) might affect sexuality. For the purposes of the study, we consider sexuality to refer to a central aspect of being human throughout life which includes sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. Results from this study will help us to understand the impact on sexuality for those who have experienced HNC and what the clinical need might be for improving available supportive care.
What does the study involve?
You will be asked to complete a questionnaire about you, your sexual activity, and satisfaction (both now and before your HNC), ways of coping, and quality of life. It should take approximately 30 minutes to complete all of the questionnaire.
We will also ask whether you are willing to be contacted about a future stage of the study, when we will invite some people to be interviewed about their experiences. We will only contact you about this interview stage if you indicate that you are happy to be contacted and provide your contact information.
Information that you provide to us will be kept strictly confidential and stored securely.
Why should you take part in the study?
We cannot promise the study will help you but the information we get from this study may help to develop a greater understanding of how Head and Neck Cancer can affect sexuality which could help to provide more sensitive and holistic patient care.
By completing this survey, you will also have a chance to win a £50 or £100 multi-shopper voucher in a prize draw if you consent to this and provide some contact details.
Right to withdraw
Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without your legal rights being affected.